Treatment Of Dry Eyes – Follow Some Useful Home Remedies

If you experience burning, stinging, redness in your eyes or feel pain in your eyes or having sensation as if they become gritty (sandy) then you may have Dry Eyes, a condition in which tiny glands in and around the eyelids don’t produce enough or the right type of tears that are essential to keep your eyes healthy and vision clear. Tears play an important role in maintaining a good health of the eyes and a clear vision. Healthy eyes constantly produce tears that are responsible for bathing and nourish the surface of the eyes, keep the eye surface smooth, hydrated, and well-lubricated, wash away all the dust and debris and protect the eyes from infection.

Some useful home remedies for the treatment of Dry Eyes:

Sometimes, certain medicines and diseases, even environmental factors and aging can cause your eyes to produce few tears, resulting in the symptoms of Dry Eyes Syndrome. The treatment of Dry Eyes depends on the factor that is causing the problem that is why; the ophthalmologist treats the underlying condition or disease or may use various other treatment options such as artificial eye drops, surgical procedure, and others. But, there are some steps that you can take to reduce the irritating symptoms of the condition. Here are some home remedies that you can easily follow and relief the Dry Eyes symptoms:

Warm Compresses:

Tears are made of three basic components: oil, water, and mucus (a slippery substance) and our eyes need all these components to stay moist, hydrated and healthy. If your eyelids become inflamed or flaky then these may clog the oil-making glands located near the edge of the lid and can cause Dry Eyes. In order to get relief from irritation and to lose the flakes, you may need warm compresses regularly that help to reduce inflammation. You can do this by wetting a washcloth with warm water, squeeze it out and place it over your closed eyes for at least one minute. Then, gently press the edge of your eyelids that helps to squeeze and loosen the clogged oils in the glands. Wet the washcloth often to keep it warm.

Blink More:

While staring at a computer or a mobile or tab screen limits the number of times you blink in one minute, so try to blink your eyes more often while you are online.

You can also try a simple trick to keep the eyes moist while seeing at the computer. Set your screen below your eyes level because in this way, you don’t have to open your eyes wider and this helps to slow the evaporation of tears between blinks. 

Wash Crusty Lashes:

You can control the eyelid inflammation by cleaning the eyelids, surrounding skin and hair. Take few drops of baby shampoo or mild soap on your fingertips and gently massage closed eyes, near the base of the eyelashes.

Add Oily Fish To Your Diet:

It has been observed that healthy fats help the oil-making glands to work in a better way which can ease the irritation caused by Dry Eyes. You can add fish to your diet that is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon, tuna, sardines, trout, and mackerel. Some other foods that are also rich in omega-3 fats are walnuts, flaxseed and vegetable oils e.g. canola oil and soya bean oil. Omega-3 fatty acids are also available in the form of a pill or tablet. Before starting to take these supplements, make sure to consult the doctor because these supplements can react with other medicines you are taking or medical conditions you have.

Stay Hydrated:

Water plays the most important role in maintaining a good health because every part of our body needs water to stay healthy. Our eyes also need water because it helps to keep them moist and hydrated while reducing the risk of Dry Eyes Syndrome. Make sure to drink at least 8-10 glasses of water even you’re not feeling thirsty to avoid dehydration. If you don’t like to drink plain water, you can drink other liquids that don’t contain alcohol and caffeine. You can also add water-rich foods in your diets such as watermelon and cucumber.

Use Humidifier and Filter:

Humidifier and filter can add moisture to a dry indoor air. You can get the same effect of the humidifier by putting a pan of water near heat or radiator. The use of an air cleaner is beneficial as it filters dust and other particles leading to the prevention of Dry Eyes.

Wear Wraparound Sunglasses:

Wraparound sunglasses are strongly curved that wrap around the face having a single curved semi-circular lens covering the eye. Wearing wraparound sunglasses help to protect you from drying winds which can cause the tears to evaporate more quickly. Moreover, if you are at home, you must avoid blowing air from a hair dryer, air conditioner or fan towards your eyes.

Dos and Don’ts for Eye Drops:

You may use over-the-counter eye drops as they work like tears and help in reducing the symptoms. There are different brands available of eye drops. Some have preservatives added in them so that they can last longer but these may cause irritation if used too often. Non-preservative eye drops are also available as well as thicker ointments. There are some eye drops that can reduce the redness but can irritate your eyes over the time. It is better to consult the ophthalmologist before using any of these eye drops because only he/she can help to determine the right type of eye drop for you.


The early detection of an underlying medical condition and a workable treatment plan can effectively treat the symptoms of Dry Eyes. If you are experiencing the symptoms even after using the home remedies that are explained above then you should consult a professional ophthalmologist. The board-certified ophthalmologists at Menger Eye Centers are highly capable of providing the best treatment of Dry Eyes to the people living in Glendale, NYC. They treat the underlying condition and Dry Eyes symptoms through a customized treatment plan that gives you best results.

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